Fold a blank piece of paper in half (either way). On one half, list seven things you’ve seen in the last 24 hours that have the power of an active image*.
On the second half, list seven active images you’ve read or heard about, but not actually seen, in the last 24 hours.
Choose one image from each column, and for each image, set a one-minute timer and write down any word you can think of that pertains in some way to that image. Write at speed and take any word that comes to mind, even if you don’t understand the correlation. When the minute is up, circle two or three words that please you. To extend the warmup, draw a three panel wordless cartoon that uses your active image as any one of the panels.
*What is an active image? I like Erik Ehn’s definition: a noun with the power of a verb. These images might be recalled as moments you paused on and noticed, but you can also trawl for images by putting a frame around any old moment in time, to see what activity and significance resonates within it.