
“Pedestrian” designates someone moving on foot, but in aesthetics “pedestrian” implies the ordinary, the daily. Sometimes this is an elevation of the daily, the incursion of the ordinary world into high art as both protest and beautification (see Judson Dance Theater and its inheritors). Sometimes it is the criticism of the high or rare, an accusation that nothing has been done to separate one experience from the mush of ordinariness. 

If walking and the invitation to a walk implies an easy pace, a question hovers: will pedestrianism be honored in this walk? Will it be pressured? abandoned? Will pedestrianism verge on trespass? Will it accelerate into a run? Will the pedestrian be asked to walk on the grass or to pee on the flowers? Is there a shadow variable always hanging around the comfort and unobjectionable, public-art-friendly form of the audio walk? Ahe counter-pedestrian? Antipedestrianism? Anarchopedestrianism?