A generator for scenes of linked images
Scan your memory of the last 24 hours and find an image — as if seen from a hoverpoint above yourself — a resonant still that concentrates a feeling.
Describe the image, but add a degree of remove: a mother and her child nestled into each other rather than me and my son snuggling last night, for example.
Draw a wheel, with spaces open to write small captions at the hub and at the places where the spokes meet the rim. Write your image at the hub.
Choose a line of connection that you can use to invent this image’s radiants. You might invent images that share some element of relation (nestlings, or generations, to follow the example image). Or you might invent fictional moments in story time when the hub image might be recalled by a character. Using this line of connection, fill in the space left open at each point on the wheel’s circumference where the spoke meets the rim. Move at speed and take whatever images come, even if they don’t align with the line of connection you defined.
Selecting the most appealing pairs, write yourself 2 or 3 scene prompts that integrate a pair.
Write one of the scenes. As you write, if you’re stuck (or if you just want to be fed some excess), grab a word here and there from other entries on the wheel.