Choose a location that could be described as pastoral. Note its name, then add to it: a tool, an exquisite object (not necessarily humanmade), and a weather event.
Sketch out two possible story seeds that could occur in that location that would involve the tool, the exquisite object and the weather event. These seeds might be opening scenarios or they might be images of the pith or heart of the story.
Push your two story seeds lightly in differing directions, perhaps thinking through genres that you don’t normally play with (horror and propaganda; eerie and romcom, reality show and pastoral poetry). Thinking through that genre doesn’t mean turning it into a story of that type, necessarily, so much as being open to moods or possibilities that tend to come with the genre. Choose the seed that surprises you most, and write two non-continuous scenes or passages in that story.
Pay attention to how voice (both spoken voices and the voice of the writing) interacts with the nonverbal scene (landscape, tool, object, weather event) that you started with.