What is the most challenging part of what you are attempting to write? Are you working in a new mode, traversing rough material, seeking access to something you’ve never articulated before? It’s possible you don’t (yet) have an answer to this question. Whether you answer with high specificity or generalized unknowing, use this tuning exercise to summon a patron saint to be your tutor, your solace, your encourager.
Perhaps you find your patron saint in the bin of always-meant-to-read/watch/listen-but-haven’t-yet. Perhaps your patron saint has been with you for a long time. Perhaps your patron saint comes from your discipline or medium, perhaps not.
License someone who has come before you to provide that secret, grounding role.
What does your tutelary saint embody, either in person or in the artifacts left behind, that you can be emboldened by? Write yourself a short note with a reminder of this teaching and a reflection on its implications for how to keep writing.
If you are really feeling your saint after doing this, consider finding a little image of that person (or an image/object to stand for them) and placing it near your writing space. After all, sometimes the patron saint of a project doesn’t influence it in a instrumental way, but acts as an imp, a familiar, a genie, a friend.