Four days remain in this accretion. There is always the option to simply add each day. Don’t forget the option to insert or intervene in the middle. Position yourself somewhere with an open question or an open need.
If you would like a moon for your planet, now is the time to stage the collision that will produce it. There is no right or wrong way to interpret this improbable prompt, so take from it whatever you find appealing. Something from outside (or if you have multiple centers, multiple elements that have been growing in accretion, one of them) comes crashing into your growing mass, ripping away part of it, leaving marks. Of what is ripped away, some gets lost in space, the rest coheres into its own object, nearby, illuminating, separate, influencing.
So this prompt has something to do with breaking up what has been knit together, with re-sorting the material you have into two bodies, with particular respect to leaving open a pull between the two resulting separated but linked bodies.