Carry the form forward, as established over the last two days.
Summon a name for the you who is writing today. Listen to that voice pronounce that name. Today, consider the invitations of that voice for pleasure, sensation, for physical indulgence in another way of being at home in your body. Feel the sensation of this other voice roll through you as you write.
Entertaining this name, write a first-person journal focusing on describing the environment you are in via your emotional and physical response to it.
Then take that journal entry, and condense it to a compact prose poem or something of a similar scale, while —if you want—feeding the first- person into a second or third-person narration. Make an image to go with your writing. Consider whether the image needs to be figurative or not. Maybe the image today needs to be a pattern, a geometrical excursion.
As much as you can in the constraints of the day, write of walking in the street. If you cannot go out in the street, daydream your way though familiar routes.