Get your word and image brain moving. Use as many as you need. Think of this like stretching before a run, a way of simply arriving in your writing mind without the distortion of any particular focus or pressure. Disregard correctness and intention; keep the windows and doors open.

here's a warmup prompt dialed up at random

observational spill

Do an observation warmup, describing the room you are in with microscopic attention. Use only a single sentence piled and spilling over with clauses. Try to cover an entire page in this one hyper-attentive clause-proliferating sentence. 

here's the full warmup archive


In a column down your page, write triplets in the form: ___ly  ___ing  ____s For example, wildly oscillating notes or blankly farting genies. Take the


Collector Warmup

Take a walk around the space you’re in, or the space just outside it. Collect three objects; either carry them to your desk or take


Chord Moods

This is a game for writing sentences. It plays with the voicing of different musical chords to find ingredients. In a chord, the root note